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Last weekend’s Bierkeller performances had an added sparkle when Grammy-winning trumpet superstar, Jens Lindemann, came from the crowd, where he was enjoying a night out, to play on stage with the Jäger Maestros.

Jens, who was in attendance on the Friday night with the head of Yamaha UK, was so excited to be part of the band and loved every minute!

“These guys are crazy! I’ve loved every second of it. They are without doubt the best entertainment I’ve seen in a long time. The front man took the audience to a state of euphoria. Amazing!” said Jens after the performances.

The Jägers would like to thank our friend, Jens, for being part of two special performances and for becoming our first international Jäger.

"Congratulations on an amazing show. You really know how to put spectacular fizz into thousands of people. The musical arrangements are superb, the timing and presentation is a joy to behold and the energetic insanity of the front man is jaw dropping and wonderful fun. Brilliant!"

Kevin Wadsworth- Vice Chairman of Association of Brass Band Adjudicators.