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Jäger Maestros win the double!

Last weekend, four of the Jäger Maestros, Lee Rigg, Ben Wright, Matt Rigg and Garry Reed, won the world famous national finals trophy with the Black Dyke Band having beaten the best brass bands in Britain.

That would be an unbelievable feat in itself, but in addition they won the equally illustrious British Open shield against equally strong opposition to make them “double champions.”

The band will now represent the country in the European Championships next year in Germany so the Jägers had best take their lederhosen with them!

Here they are, celebrating their wins!!!

ben lee

"There wasn't a person in the room who wasn't full of praise for the brilliant Jäger Maestros. Members at the Todmorden Hippodrome were in for a treat for their annual end of season party, now dubbed as "the best one ever". Within a couple of minutes, the Jäger Maestros had everyone laughing, dancing and having a great time. From young to old(er) the band appeal to everyone with their comedy and fantastic music. The people at the Hippodrome thoroughly enjoyed their night and would highly recommend them to anyone wanting a good time."

Mark Whitehead, Todmorden Hippodrome.